Monday, 14 April 2008

Day 89 - UK

Thanks to British Airways it's taken me 89 days to get round the world, but I've finally made it to London... and so have my bags which is a miracle! Time now to do some serious research whilst I wait for my flight to Edinburgh and catch up on all the celeb gossip.

Day 88 - USA... Again

Good old British Airways. The earliest they could fly us out of Vancouver was tuesday, so instead they've driven us down to Seattle to get flights from there. It appears that they couldn't organise a piss up in a brewery and despite knowing they had an extra 300 passengers to cope with, check-in was an absolute nightmare. But 23 hours after I was supposed to leave Vancouver I finally leave Seattle. I don't think my bags have made it on to the flight though!

Saturday, 12 April 2008

Day 87 - Vancouver Airport

I know I've joked that I'd like to stay here but I promise that I had nothing to do with the pilot ending up in hospital! So the flight's been cancelled and now we've all been moved to a hotel for the night. BA have no idea when our flight will leave. Jude Law is apparently on the same flight so I'll keep an eye out for him tomorrow! I hope MWH didn't mean it when they put in my contract that they'd sack me if I'm not back in work on monday!

Tuesday, 8 April 2008

Day 83 - Vancouver Island

I came over to the island on sunday and spent some time with my sister in law's family. Today I hired a car and drove over to the west coast which is beautiful. I got pretty cold watching the sun set over the beach but it was worth it. Now I'm warming up in my luxury B&B with a glass of wine. Snow is forecast for tomorrow and I'm going bear and whale watching!

Sunday, 6 April 2008

Day 80 - Whistler

Can you spot which one is me?! Sarah and I drove up to Whistler to check out the snow. We didn't actually do any skiing though. They're busy preparing for the 2010 winter olympics. I tried out the bobsleigh and won a gold medal.