Monday, 28 January 2008

Australia Day Bank Holiday

Saturday (26th) was Australia Day. We were in the metropolis of Northampton, staying on a farm. In the evening (after our dinner of roo stew) we headed for the town and one of the pubs. Our tour guide assured us it would be a great night, with everyone out celebrating. We passed two empty pubs and stopped at the third. We joined the three other customers in the pub and stayed for a couple of drinks, enjoying The Empire Strikes Back which was playing on the TV. Maybe all the Ozzies stayed in to celebrate?!
So this monday was a bank holiday and my friends and I headed off to Fremantle to chill out on the beach. We were going to go to an island, but had left it a little late in the day. Unlike the UK, there was no travel chaos and the beach was practically empty. It was rather windy, so maybe the locals don't like getting sand everywhere. We relaxed on the beach and went for a swim (no sharks, turtles, dolphins or fish this time) and had a wander round the town before getting the train back to Perth. Despite the factor 30 sunscreen we were all starting to feel the tingle of sunburn as we headed home. It's very obvious when you've missed a bit with the sunscreen!
But now it's farewell to the west coast as I fly inland to Alice Springs. Oh boy, it's going to be hot!!


Roger Pickard said...

We also had a good break in the rain ridden Lake District. Dad had a good birthday.
Glad you're enjoying yourself.
Love, Mum and Dad XX

Jaimie said...

BRILL BRILL BRILL. Loving all the photo's, even the ones at an angle, would have been funnier if upside down. And am now enjoying reading about your adventure.
See ya soon Sheila :o)

Stefano said...

It's a far cry from Portobello beach!

Thought about comparing your weather to that here, but ours can be summed up in one word....GREY!

Oz looks magic and glad your having fun. Keep posting.
